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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Scott

Hey there, business owners. Doing email marketing for yourself? 💪

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

If it’s working for you, close this and read something else.

Want some help? Read on for titbit #1.

Have a strategy.

What? Yes, you need a strategy!

Why and what are you going to talk about? 🤔

The obvious is when you have something to tell them. 👍

But if that’s only when you’re trying to sell them something? Well, that’s OK if that’s how you’ve positioned your emails with them.

You did ask their permission to receive emails from you, didn’t you? Twice?

Once when they sign up, usually via a link online. And the second to verify the email address.

It’s called the double-opt-in.

And it’s EU law this happens before you can send emails. 👩‍⚖️

No, we’re not in the EU anymore. But it’s good practice, wouldn’t you agree? Being ethical and all that.

Anyway, back to the strategy.

Only emailing when you want to sell ‘em something can be a bit random.

How about a regular news round-up? ✍

This way you can update them with stuff that’s interesting. About your business. About you – people buy people. A cliché, but a true one. Give them some value – make them feel loved with free tips. 📃

How often is often enough?

Once a week? Once a month? Once a quarter? 🗓

It doesn’t matter much.

When you have something to say. If you’re doing more than once a month, will you run out of news? Will you have the time to write them? ✒

Don’t forget people need to be able to unsubscribe from your list easily. Yes, easily!

Never forget it’s a privilege to have an email opened. An honour when it’s read.

Now go and give your list some love 😍



With your strategy?

Get in touch. Click here to contact me for a chat.

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